Symptoms & Illnesses

Headache Overview
Understanding Headache: A Common Health Condition
A headache, a common health condition, causes pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck region. Varying in intensity, duration, and location, headaches may come with symptoms like sensitivity to light or sound, nausea, and dizziness. Alternatively stress, dehydration, muscle tension, sinus congestion, eyestrain, hormonal changes, medication side effects, and underlying health conditions like migraines or tension-type headaches are potential causes. Proper diagnosis and treatment rely on identifying the underlying cause.
Cluster Headache: A Unique Form of Head Pain
Cluster headache, a less common type, also typically affects one side of the head and may cause tearing of the eyes, a drooping eyelid, and nasal congestion. Episodes last from 15 minutes to 3 hours, occurring daily or almost daily for weeks or months, with relief periods lasting at least a month or longer. Sometimes confused with migraines, sinus headaches, or tension headaches, cluster headaches may benefit from exploring alternative treatments like Ayurvedic remedies. Symptoms include sudden, intense pain described as sharp, piercing, or burning, mainly on one side of the head. Restlessness during attacks, pacing, or banging the head against a wall are common. Other symptoms include red and watering eyes, severe pain around one eye, which can radiate to other parts of the face, head, or neck, drooping and swelling of one eyelid, a smaller pupil in one eye, sweating on the face, and a blocked or runny nose.
Ayurvedic Approach to Headache Management
According to Ayurveda, Vata Dosha imbalance can lead to tension headaches, while Pitta Dosha imbalance may result in migraines. Lifestyle and diet factors can contribute to the production of Aam, disrupting the Tridoshas, especially Pitta, affecting the Rakta dhatu, settling in the head. Increased Pitta levels cause blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, releasing inflammatory substances causing painful pulsations. This obstruction in the nervous system also leads to decreased blood circulation in the head, further aggravating Pitta and the inflammatory process causing headaches. Activation of the trigeminal nerve triggers cluster headaches, which can be prompted by dietary factors such as nitrites and alcohol, as well as environmental factors like changes in barometric pressure or altitude. Addressing these imbalances through natural remedies like herbal formulations, meditation, and a balanced diet can provide long-term headache management without adverse side effects.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Vataja Headaches
All Vata alleviating remedies, comforts, therapies, food, and lifestyle changes will help reverse and treat Vataja headaches effectively. Treating Vataja headaches also involves administering medicated fats internally and externally, applying heat through sudation, and using specific Ayurvedic medicines. Snehana, or administering medicated fats, includes internally consuming ghee, oil, muscle fat, and bone marrow, along with externally applying oil massage or stream pouring. Various medicated oils like Rasnadi taila, Baladi Ksheerabalataila, and Narayana taila are recommended for relieving Vataja headaches. Swedana or sudation, involving heat application through hot compresses and soothing massages, is also beneficial. Ayurvedic treatment aims to restore dosha balance and promote overall well-being to alleviate headaches effectively.
Encouragement to Seek Professional Guidance
We encourage arranging an appointment with our esteemed specialist for further insight and personalised guidance. Click the link below to schedule a consultation with our expert.
Our Headache Issue Specialists

Dr. Vivek Brijbahal Singh
BAMS, M.D. Rachna Sharir, Advanced PGD in Clinical Research

Dr. Supriya Kurane
BAMS, M.S. Surgery