Diet Plan

Diet Planning

Personalised Diet Planning: Our specialist consultants will guide you through a quiz to determine your predominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) and any current imbalances (vikriti). Using this information, they will create a personalized Ayurvedic diet plan tailored to your specific body type, helping you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Why Should you choose our Diet planning?

Custom Fit for You: The plan will be customised to suit your current lifestyle, location, and pre-existing health needs, ensuring holistic wellness and balance.

Healthy Choices and Structured Eating: We help you establish a structured eating routine for optimal health.

Consistent Meal Times: Eat regular meals at consistent times for the best results.

Avoid Overeating and Allow Time for Digestion: Give your body the time it needs to digest between meals.

Spice Up Your Meals: Incorporate digestive spices like ginger, cumin, or fennel into your meals for enhanced digestion.

Stay Properly Hydrated: Drink warm or room-temperature water regularly to stay hydrated.

Manage Foods That Disrupt Dosha Balance: We help you identify and limit foods that may upset your dosha balance. Adapt your diet according to seasonal variations to maintain harmony.

For Vata: Opt for warm, cooked, and nourishing foods such as cooked grains, root vegetables, and healthy oils. Avoid raw, cold, or dry foods.

For Pitta: Choose cooling foods like cucumbers, leafy greens, and sweet fruits. Steer clear of spicy, sour, or hot foods.

For Kapha: Select light, warming foods such as lentils, greens, and spices. Avoid heavy, oily, or sweet foods.

A balanced diet planning incorporates a variety of foods, calorie management, nutrient-dense choices, moderation, proper hydration, and appropriate portions. Your unique diet plan will be crafted based on your lifestyle, location, and health needs to support holistic wellness and balance.

Ayurvedic Diet Planner

Dr. Vivek Brijbahal Singh

BAMS, M.D. Rachna Sharir, Advanced PGD in Clinical Research

Dr. Datt Bapardekar

BAMS, MD (Panchakarm), Ph.D. scholar in Panchakarm

Ready to embark on a journey of holistic healing and balance?

Book an appointment with us today for a life-changing Ayurvedic experience.