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🌿Ayurvedic Imbalance Test🌿

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Kapha is the energy of structure and lubrication, made up of the elements earth and water. Kapha dosha are often calm, grounded, and nurturing.  Balancing Kapha involves stimulation, warmth, and variety.

Total Score: 2 / 12 (16.67%)



Pitta represents the energy of digestion and transformation, governed by the elements fire and water.  Balancing Pitta requires cooling, calming, and moderation.

Total Score: 3 / 12 (25.00%)



Vata is the energy of movement and change, primarily composed of the elements air and space. IVatta dosha often exhibit qualities that are light, dry, cold, and mobile. Balancing Vatta involves grounding practices, warmth, and routine.

Total Score: 4 / 12 (33.33%)


🔍Your personalised Ayurvedic imbalance assessment has revealed your predominant doshic imbalance:


💡 While you may have a different Prakirti or body constitution but this results indicate your currently state now has a predominately Vata imbalance, suggesting an excess of Vata energy in your system. Vata governs movement, creativity, and change. Imbalanced Vata can manifest as anxiety, restlessness, and a sense of instability.

🌱 To restore balance and tranquility, we recommend grounding practices and routines. Embrace warm, nourishing foods, establish a regular sleep schedule, and incorporate calming activities such as yoga or meditation. By nurturing stability and embracing soothing practices, you can find harmony amidst life’s ever-changing dance.

  • Energy: Imbalanced Vata may bring fluctuating energy levels, like a playful breeze that alternates between gusts and calm. By finding grounding practices and nurturing routines, you can invite stability and maintain a steady flow of energy throughout the day.

  • Fuel: Vata imbalance can lead to irregular eating habits, where your appetite dances to its own rhythm. Nurturing yourself with nourishing meals and establishing a regular eating routine will help kindle a nourishing fire within.

  • Stress: When Vata is imbalanced, stress may feel like a whirlwind swirling within. But fear not, for you can find calm amidst the storm. By embracing grounding activities and soothing practices, you can soothe your restless mind and restore tranquility.

  • Activity: Imbalanced Vata can make your activity levels akin to a playful squirrel, darting from one task to another. To find focus and productivity, create a harmonious rhythm by prioritizing tasks and incorporating mindful pauses to recharge.
    Focus: Vata imbalance may scatter your focus like autumn leaves carried by the wind. Fear not, for within you lies a calm center. By practicing mindfulness and engaging in activities that ground you, you can harness your creativity and find clarity in the present moment.

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Remember, these results provide guidance based on your test responses. It’s advisable to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for a comprehensive evaluation and personalised recommendations to restore balance within your unique constitution.